Project Description 

AppDepot: Interactive App Discovery Platform

AppDepot is a video interactive platform for apps and related tech discovery, that helps apps and related tech gain visibility, increase discoverability, and organically generate traction while engaging your consumers. 

We offer the fastest and easiest means to highlight the value; showcase the key functionalities; and render a great first impression of your app.

We have developed a highly effective and competitive application that will be able to pleasantly surprise users:

  • unlimited possibilities in creating a video using features such as: screen recording, embedding from YouTube, uploading from gallery, using device camera, with built-in video trimming features.
AppDepot: Interactive App Discovery Platform

  • If the user has already created a YouTube video for their app, they can simply embed it in AppDepot via a link

AppDepot: Interactive App Discovery Platform

  • AppDepot’s analytics will allow you to solicit feedback of your potential users while your app is still in development.

AppDepot: Interactive App Discovery Platform

  • As soon as your application becomes available in the App Store or even during development, you can utilize AppDepot’s push notifications to notify your followers about important launch milestones.

AppDepot: Interactive App Discovery Platform

  • AppDepot allows you, as the app owner, to manage the visibility of your content to other users (by utilizing the private mode option)

AppDepot: Interactive App Discovery Platform

What Solution can We Offer

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Main challenges:

The app’s initial code was based on the serverless solution and our developers needed to implement new features that required full-fledged back-end development. After implementing various combinations of AWS services, we were able to successfully implement the following functionalities: sending push notifications, logic of payment and reward systems, as well as the option to embed from YouTube, etc.

Core app functionality in the initial code was created on legacy frameworks that complicated the work, so we have optimized the UI of the application using more modern and adaptive solutions.

Because of the presence of strong binding between the backend elements of the application a single change in one element caused undesired changes in several other elements. As a result, the scope of work increased.

Large amount of the initial code lacked explanatory comments.

Key Solutions 

  1. One of the unique features of the application is that its work is based on tight integration with AWS services (DynamoDB, S3, Lambda functions, Pinpoint). The application was developed only by iOS specialists, backend logic was implemented using specified services. We were able to access AWS powerful infrastructure using capabilities provided by Amplify.
  2. We have created our own library that allows users to publish YouTube videos on our Feed page. The mechanism developed by our specialists allows the app to receive a direct link to a specific video from YouTube and display it in the application. At the same time, we save space on customer’s Amazon S3, because we use direct links to videos stored in Google infrastructure.
  3. In addition, we utilized capabilities provided by iOS (In-App Purchases, Subscriptions, Sign In with Apple, Push Notifications).
  4. Using the UI layout framework “Texture”, we have achieved asynchronous UI rendering, which made exploring of videos fast and enjoyable for our users, at the same time optimizing the usage of Internet connection.
  5. We have developed a highly efficient mechanism of caching videos. It takes care of free space on our users’ phones. We clean app cache regularly.
  6. Our users don’t have to worry about data security. All data is stored on Amazon services (DynamoDB), and content is secured in S3 cloud storage, which is accessible only via protected links.

Tech Stack

  • App language:
  • Architecture:
    MVC & MVVM
  • UI:
    UIKit (SnapKit) & SwiftUI & Texture (AsyncDisplayKit)
  • Lambda functions:
    Ruby & Swift
  • Backend:
    AWS Amplify
    API generated by Amazon using GraphQL language

Team composition

  • PM
  • UI/UX Designer
  • 2 iOS developers
  • QA


    On the AppDepot platform users interact, build trust, and share their experiences or views about different apps featured on the platform, while enjoying personalized user and rich interactive experience.

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    By downloading our application you get:

    •  The opportunity to always be aware of new products and trends on the digital market.
    • Even if you are not tech-savvy you can still have a fun learning experience with AppDepot: just watch short videos and discover new things in the App world
    • Fun environment for personal/career development
    • Join AppDepot’s community. One idea breeds another, so AppDepot will help you spread your ideas and effortlessly find like-minded people.
    • AppDepot provides the possibility to learn about upcoming apps prior to their launch in the AppStore.

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