Mobile App Design Trends 2015
Imaginative mobile apps are those that are a mix of imagination, innovation, purpose, work, and money. When developing a mobile app the developer will definitely need to consider the latest mobile design trends, as an understanding of such trends ensures the app will have all of the coveted bells and whistles other apps in the same category possess.
This year is witnessing a number of trends in the department of mobile app design. Some app design trends shared here are already in existence and growing momentum. More are still in the birthing process so to speak, yet to be formed and released for the public to experience.
Background Images with Diffuse Elements
With a diffuse background, there’s the likelihood that the elements that come to the forefront of an image are far easier to see. The diffuse background creates a distinction between the background and foreground, which is definitely a benefit one can enjoy when viewing things on a mobile device, which typically features a smaller viewing screen. What’s more, if you’ve got a call to action and you want your consumer to react, the way to do that is to ensure the button for acting on your call to action is very easy to see.
Big Images
With faster ways of accessing the Internet, the popularity of big images remains popular this year too. Large images have greater visual appeal, more impressive color, and when in good quality resolution, leave a lasting visual impression on the viewer.
Minimize the Use of Icons
Too many icons in mobile design serve to make visual noise and to confuse the app user. The icons that are incorporated in a mobile app should be minimal, easy to use, and essential: This keeps the navigation simple. A year ago long shadows were all the rage, but this year basic icons and simple line art is what’s hot in terms of app trends.
Simplified App Navigation
Users of mobile apps want to have an easy experience, one that does not prove to be irritating because it is so complicated to navigate. One of the fastest methods for getting an app downloaded, installed, and deleted is to make the mobile app less than user friendly when it comes to navigation. The mobile app needs to feature clear typography, a clean menu, and visually pleasing images as part of its essential design elements.
Developers tend to make use of things like favicons and easy drop-down sub-menus or menus that slide out from the side of the screen. Essentially, you want the mobile app to make it easy for the user to get to the content they seek and to act on what they seek when they find it. The end result is that you want the app to offer up a smooth, uninterrupted, relaxing, and friendly end-user experience (mobile ux design).
Visually Beautiful Lettering

In the days of web-only content, the best fonts one could use were of course Times Roman, Arial, and Verdana. This year it looks like there’s a growing trend for beautiful fonts. The fonts allow for improvements in the hierarchy of visual elements. Oh, and when all CAPS were considered yelling, they are now in style. Everything from logo marks to lettering from hand-lettered fonts to watercolors, lettering is now artistic and expressive in mobile app design.
Straightforward User Interfaces
Last year a mobile app was bound to sport shadows, embossed elements, 3D features, gradients, and other visually attractive, eye-catching components. This year however the trend is really about creating something visually pleasing while leaving all the ostentatious elements behind. Developers are striving for a clutter-free design.
A Gentle Color Mix
A subtle blend of colors is what’s in this year for mobile design trends. Neon greens and reds are a thing of the past. Today’s preferred mixes include a mix of gray and mauve of beige and blue are in colors this year. Additional colors that will be cropping up in the apps developed in 2015 include Strawberry Ice, Aquamarine, Toasted Almond, Custard Yellow, Scuba Blue, Tangerine Orange, Lucite Green, and Glacier Gray.
Surreal Elements
Bringing together elements of the imagination with the elements of the real-world: It’s a trend that technology supports, and one that will continue throughout 2015 in mobile app designs. One look at the work of Magic Leap, whose mission is to bring a bit of magic back into the world, and it’s easy to see how the imagination/fantasy and realism can be united.
The Return of Skeuomorphism
Skeuomorphism is appearing in more apps and allows the developer to bring an extra level of realism to an otherwise two-dimensional product. With Skeuomorphism 2D and 3D effects are entirely possible, thereby making apps more engaging and visually enticing.
Don’t Forget the Social Media Elements
Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ integration is a given when it comes to a mobile app; that’s if the developer wants the app to be remotely successful. With social media integration, users can sign in using their favorite social media outlet. Users of apps appreciate the ease of app sign up when social media buttons are present.
Wearable Technology
The birth of the Apple Watch will undoubtedly have other designers looking to create apps suitable for the smartwatch as well as other devices that will appear on the market in terms of a competitive device. It’s imperative the mobile app developer remain in touch with the latest industry trends so that design practices can be modified to meet the demands of the industry.
The above-mentioned trends in terms of mobile app design are just a few of the many changes in the mobile app development industry. If a developer integrates the hottest, coveted trends, there will be little difficulty in ensuring the longevity of any app created. Just remember that 2015 is the year of easy colors, simple navigation, social media integration, and beautiful lettering with a diffuse background, and you’re bound to develop a visually pleasing app that will earn you plenty of hits and downloads.
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