Smartening up your home is going mainstream. And this hi-tech area is supposed to simplify and improve our lives in a matter of minutes. Everybody’s home is about to get smarter, no matter what. We, potential users, expect all these devices to fix the new level of comfort, safety, and entertainment quality for us.

For the majority of people, the smart home concept looks a bit complicated: too many options, gadgets tend to be too smart, and much time is needed to set them up. That’s not what a common man hopes for, I bet, when thinking Smart Home.

This paper is going to outline the current situation and trends in the Smart Home integration market, spell out challenges Home Automation companies face when offering technology to their potential clients and finally, will demonstrate the benefits of incorporating a smart home automation app. It’s also going bust a hefty myth of the hi-tech home being too complicated to deal with instead of simplifying life.

All things Brainy Home

For your potential clients, smart home technology is all about order, safety, automation, control, and most importantly, simplicity.

The idea is quite sophisticated – usually implemented as a system of switches, sensors, and security units together with a controlling wall-mounted console. It covers things like doors, windows, lights, bells, water heaters, clocks, thermostats, ventilation, and all kitchen devices, etc.

Other than that, there are a lot of smart devices, that are handled independently through the web interface, gateways, or else.

But again, let me emphasize that – Smart House for a common man like myself is potentially my improved living. I don’t really want to spend hours configuring plenty of things and checking if I switched off heaters or closed the garage through the integrated tools.

As mobile phones invade all spheres of our lives and people get more and more engaged with their devices, we get used to reaching and working out most tasks on the smartphone within a couple of clicks. Also considering that there are no reliable unified technologies of incorporating home control science yet (still a huge number of implementations), a company that will do a smart home app development for you comes in handy.

That being said, competition in the home automation sector increases as demand among consumers escalates:

How to Create a Smart Home App & Gain Benefits for Your Business

User challenges when integrating Smart Home

The current curve of Smart Home app development and penetration into everyday life can be marked as infancy – with a huge number of options of how to start up one’s home.

Let me proclaim one thing – there is a couple of deciding obstacles users face trying to implement “Smart Home” and this stops a lot of people from invading this cutting-edge venture:

  • no common platform – currently everybody interested in the latest technologies and willing to “go smart” needs a lot of time and enthusiasm to choose a system and then make it work. Not to mention, there are so many remote controls, switches, and consoles around the house… That’s can get too confusing;
  • study how to use your “new” home – if you wanna own a smart house, you’ll definitely need to go through a bunch of “how-to’s” to be able to manage it and adapt your life to these innovations. Do you have enough time for that, why is that so complicated? Isn’t this technology all about simplifying life?
How to Create a Smart Home App & Gain Benefits for Your Business

This graph shows a significant influence on how people recognize “Home Automation” nowadays. The technology-savvy part of the globe is already implementing “Smart Home” elements, but there is 85% more of a blank marketplace to be fulfilled. By your simplified and user-friendly smart home system. The idea to build a smart home app is an amazingly obvious and easy solution for controlling a full house altogether.

And it sounds absolutely effortless as users tend to see Smart Homes!

Look out for the Smart Home Control app

What’s the difference between a web interface, control panel, or application, after all, you say, if you’re getting the next level of security, comfort, and resources?

Here is why:

How to Create a Smart Home App & Gain Benefits for Your Business

Read also: How Much Does It Cost To Make an App?

And the cherry on top – 90% of time spent on mobiles actually goes to mobile applications.

The thing is that invisible, but well-tailored improvements are what really helps your leg up on the competition. Not to neglect all these little things, let me outline the range of benefits you’ll get after developing the mobile app for the smart home system:

  • Computer challenged part of a population is yours – remember those who get distracted just from checking their e-mails on the web. The simple one-tap management of the full system will make it easy and quick to get used out of the full Smart Home. It means that a huge stack of potential clients will be much more open to your particular product;
  • Centralization is everything – a single platform seems to be a dominant concern and here is yours – “all in one place” control app gives the opportunity to check everything is even far away from actual home is your game-changing benefit;
  • Updates, updates – new features spring up like mushrooms overnight, and all you need to do to renew the platform is to download an upgrade altogether – saves time and makes sure you’re always on the edge;
  • IoT in action – connected to one system, all devices are able to communicate with each other and ensure smooth and close-knit performance;
  • Combinations are endless – this integral connectivity amongst devices allows to set various modes, options and relations in between and customize it non-stop;
  • Staying informed – the average user interacts with about 10 to 20 mobile apps daily, and one single “Smart Home” app interface and alerts will help not to get totally confused;
  • One remote control, not tens of them – this is an enormous benefit for all mobile apps included the one for smart home control – you got access and control over your house while being on the go. Car, boat, airplane, even remote island – enjoy!

Vital features for your Smart Home Control application

How to Create a Smart Home App & Gain Benefits for Your Business

The mobile app that aims at controlling a range of other devices and applications might have a variety of features. But there are a couple of crucial ones, which build a skeleton of an entire engine:

  • Remote access to all integrated gadgets – this is basically a feature, which makes all application. You can operate any device from within your smartphone – switch off a lamp or close the garage doors in a matter of clicks. Similar access to computers feature, but for corporate docs turnover, was successfully implemented by our team in a SkimDoc application:
How to Create a Smart Home App & Gain Benefits for Your Business
  • the wide net of settings/configurations/modes – just like any other personal profile, this one needs, even more, customization opportunities for tuning all possible options for personal convenience. For our clients we develop one-of-a-kind settings logics, implement and test it narrowly for the sake of absolute customer satisfaction;
  • connectivity within all devices – any custom configuration won’t be possible if devices are not talking to each other. If you want your morning coffee right off the bat, make sure your smart mattress will send a notification to a coffee machine once you’re up;
  • push notifications – yes, of course, how will you know that TV is left turned on after you left home other than receiving a notification. This is also a major tool for mobile marketing strategy, that will keep your consumers updated with some add-on products or services you want to up-sale.

Read also: Ten Ways to Build a Bulletproof Push Notification Strategy

Once you know what functionality to expect from your application, you can get a prototype and the cost of your smart home app development – that’s a very convenient way to visualize the whole system and calculate the overall cost and profits for the future.

Putting it all together

To nail down the whole idea of the post, let me just say it out loud: when hitting a worldwide market – go simple! And no need to worry about terms “smart” and “simple” to go a bit apart in their basic definitions.

What we suggest is simplify usage of all these smart goodies as you can and people will end up loving how little it takes them to use the latest technologies with your help. And that’s what you want after all, right?

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